Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ambient media advertising can be used in conjunction with mainstream traditional media, or used equally effectively as a stand-alone activity. The key to a successful ambient media campaign is to choose the best media format available and combined with effective message.

However, ambient media advertising is only a small niche for advertising agencies of overcoming traditional methods of advertising to get the attention of consumers. Ambient media in a larger scale define the media environment and the communication of information in ubiqutious and pervasive environments. The concept of ambient media relates to ambient media form, ambient media content, and ambient media technology. It's principles are manifestation, morphing, intelligence, and experience.
Ambient advertisements are effective means at pushing a brand message in front of consumers and can develop even better top of mind recall within target audiences. This provides the ability to advertisers to maintain brand awareness created by other advertising efforts. Ambient media can produce mass attention in centralized locations, or directly interact with consumers during normal every day activities

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